Aldershot & District Bus Interest Group(ADBIG)
Meet on Friday evenings every month.
For further information contact: - Laurie Powell
tel: 01252 331973
email: sales@adbig.co.uk
web: www.adbig.co.uk

Aldershot Floral Design
We meet the first Thursday of the month all year and we have demonstrations by qualified arrangers and alternate workshops where you can learn new skills to do with flower arranging.
Contact Dee Kelly (Chairperson)
tel: 01252 350944

Art Venturers
We are passionate about getting children involved in art at an early age by introducing them to lots of different tools, textures and materials which allow them to develop a range of skills along with masterpieces for their parents to treasure!
Contact Natalie Barclay
email: natalie@artventurers.co.uk
tel: 07762678963
web: www.artventurers.co.uk/farnham/

British Sugarcraft Guild - Guildford & Woking
Topics include sugar flower making, modelling in a broad range of edible mediums such as chocolate, marzipan and sugarpaste, airbrushing, wafer paper and using royal icing.
Meet every 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Contact: - Sue Stevens
tel: 07916664749
email: sjstevens85@sky.com
web: www.bsguk.org

Cartophilic Society (Hants & Surrey Branch)
We meet every 2nd Sunday of every month and hold all day Fairs every quarter.
Contact Mr G Wright
tel: 0118 9730334
email: gwright693@btinternet.com
web: www.card-world.co.uk

Christmas Pie WI
Meet on 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm. except in August.
WI Arts and Crafts Group meet on Monday afternoons.
Contact: - Chris Martin / June Curtis
tel: 01483 614226 / 01483 813864

Guildford 'O' Gauge Group (Model Railway)
We have our own clubroom at Normandy Village Hall and meet on Mondays from 7pm onwards.
Contact: - Peter Bailey
tel: 01428 729201
email: peter.m.bailey@icloud.com
web: www.gogg.co.uk

Gym Jams Baby & Toddler Soft Play
We run a family business offering sessions for 0-3 year olds and their families a safe, clean and fun environment to play and meet other families. We are open on Wednesdays and Fridays all year.
Contact: - Jon Pick
tel: 07836 250099
email: info@gym-jams.co.uk
web: www.gym-jams.co.uk

LullaBaby provide baby and toddler classes which has been carefully designed to educate, stimulate and promote your baby’s development. Our aim is to provide you and your little one with vital learning opportunities in a fun, friendly and supportive environment, where you can bond and make lasting memories. Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Contact - Anita Senior
tel: 07860 382965
email: lullababy.anita@outlook.com
web: www.lullababy.co.uk/aldershot-farnham-farnborough

Normandy Artists
A small friendly group who meet on the 1st Friday morning and 3rd Wednesday afternoon of each month in the small hall.
Contact: - Carol Lander
tel: 01252 316540
email: carol.lander@btinternet.com
web: TBC

Normandy Badminton Club
A small and friendly group who meet on Monday evenings at 8pm to play through out the year.
Contact: - Diane Cuff
tel: 01483 811213 or
Contact: - Ian Rose
tel: 01483 811204

Normandy Historians
A group working together to preserve the history of the village for future generations.
Meet on the third Tuesday of the month.
email: info@normandyhistorians.co.uk
web: www.normandyhistorians.co.uk

Normandy Parish Council
Amanda Pick is the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
The Parish office is open in the village hall on Friday mornings 8am - 1pm and welcome anyone to pop in.
email: clerk@normandyparishcouncil.gov.uk
phone: 07739969518

Normandy Progressive Dog Obedience Classes
The whole concept of this Club is not merely obedience exercises, but improving the relationship of everyday living with your dog.
Contact: - Chris Orchard
tel: 01483 724421 07804669760
email: dogsandcats@talktalk.net
web: www.progressivedogobedience.co.uk

Normandy Sequence Dance
Try Sequence Dancing to stay fit and active. At Normandy you will be welcomed to a friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome.
Contact: - David & Felicity Charles
tel: 01306 880088

We practise a traditional Japanese martial art called iaido. Like most of the traditional martial arts, iaido is neither practical combat nor a modern sport, like judo and karate. It is much more of a spiritual exercise learnt through repetition of set forms called kata.
Contact: - Simon Piper
tel: 07872026587
email: farmersboy27@googlemail.com

Summertime Dancing
The club was formed in 1998. We meet every Monday afternoon at the Normandy Village Hall between 1.45 – 4.15 p.m. with light refreshments during the interval and enjoy the company of 30-35 dancers.
Contact: - Hilary Carter
email: hilary.carter@ntlworld.com
web: www.summertimedancing.com

Woking Arts Society
Our prime objective is to bring people together through a shared curiosity for the arts.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month except July and August. We welcome new members.
tel: 01276 685293
email: memdfas@gmail.com
web: www.wokingdfas.org.uk

Worplesdon Dance Club
We are a small friendly Club which meets on Thursday evenings (September to end of July).
New members welcome but it is essential to have a partner and basic ballroom dance knowledge.
Contact : Gwen Steckel
tel: 01252 658732
email: worplesdondanceclub@gmail.com

Zumba Classes
Meet every Thursday morning as follows: Stretch and Tone 9.20am - 9.50am, Zumba 10.00am - 10.45am
Contact: - Ren Hawes
tel: 07787 524724
email: renhawes@talktalk.net
web: https://renhawes.zumba.com